Little story to tell
Top 7 1. Baby Brother (Little story to tell) 2. The worst thing that happened 3. I embarrassed myself in front of the whole school 4. When I got my Dog 5. New schools 6. What I did 7. Sisters Top 3 1. Baby brother (little story to tell) 2. The worst thing that happened 3. Sisters First place 1. Baby Brother Hai I’m Monse! And this story is going to be about my baby brother, And who knew that I can still remember something from 4-11! Okay let’s begin. My baby brother was born on 2011 Sep 9, and around that tim I was 4 years old, and I was so happy to finally have a new sibling! Because My older sisters hated to play with me so with my baby brother thought I could play with him, so when my Mom and Dad brought my baby brother home I saw that my mom was Crying, I just thought she was happy crying, but she wasn’t happy crying she was Crying because she was upset, because my brother was sick with Meningitis, when he wa...