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Welp..... I have nothing to say! Or write 😅 I didn’t really do anything that special, Well kinda... On Sunday me, my sisters and mom went to a Mexican restaurant, I forgot what it was called but I know it was in “La Grange I think that’s how you spell it... well anyways! We orders some TASTY tocos 😋 And me since I love strawberry I ordered myself a Strawberry milkshake skake, my mother said that they had the best milks skakes! But when I tried it... IT WAS A LIE! They lied to me! It tasted sour... I don’t know if it was meant to taste like that but it was pretty bad, so instead of drinking that I drank my sister horchata, and I think that my mother meant the horchata was the best drink, cause that was the most tasty horchata that I ever had! Then the rest was everyone ate and went home. But on Monday! Oh lord was that day a bad day! Since I have a YouTube channel I had to post something, and what I mostly post are “Gacha Vids And what that is...
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