About me

    My name is Monse
                   And I go to Haritage Middle school, And the first things that I will talk about is this school, Well I will get started, My favorite Blocks are 2 and 3 Block 2 is Science/Social studies, and Block 3 is ELA, which this is where I’m writing it, I’m ELA, The reason I like both of these classes are because, These classes have amazing and fun teachers! They’re understanding, Kind, Generous, and, when they are teaching they look like they are in joying themself’s!
And with my clubs..
Right now I’m in 2 clubs, Anime Club and YearBook club, why I joined Anime Club Is because I LOVE Anime! I’m obsessed with it! My favorite anime is “Darling In The Franxx” because it have romance :3 I like to watch anime’s that have romance in it it makes it more interesting, and every time I watch them I start to scream if my ship’s don’t sail 😅 And the reason I joined Yearbook club... well I was forced to join Yearbook club, Because one of my friends said she would be alone if I didn’t join, and since I love to make people happy.. I joined Yearbook club with her, and so far I like  it! 😁


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