Little story to tell

Top 7

 1. Baby Brother (Little story to tell)

 2. The worst thing that happened

 3. I embarrassed myself in front of the whole school

4. When I got my Dog

 5. New schools

6. What I did

7. Sisters

 Top 3

 1. Baby brother (little story to tell)

2. The worst thing that happened

3. Sisters

First place
1. Baby Brother

 Hai I’m Monse! And this story is going to be about my baby brother, And who knew that I can still remember something from 4-11! Okay let’s begin. My baby brother was born on 2011 Sep 9, and around that tim I was 4 years old, and I was so happy to finally have a new sibling! Because My older sisters hated to play with me so with my baby brother thought I could play with him, so when my Mom and Dad brought my baby brother home I saw that my mom was Crying, I just thought she was happy crying, but she wasn’t happy crying she was Crying because she was upset, because my brother was sick with Meningitis, when he was born, so he had just a little time to live, but when I was 4 I didn’t know. Everyday I alway wanted to play with my brother but he was just a new born and he couldn’t really play yet, so when he was old enough to play I would always put my face close to him, and he would alway poke me in the cheeks and laugh so I did it back to him and he laughed even more, so every time he cried I poked in in the cheeks and he cheered up! But it only worked if I did it, I was his favorite sister, and he was my favorite sibling XD We were like to peas In a pod! And I could be an hour without him 😕 On the first day on kindergarten, I was excited to go to school I thought it was going to last 1 hour so I could go back home and see my brother, but I was wrong. A week after I started kindergarten I hated it because it was 6 hours in school, instead of playing with my brother! So every time I came home I made sure he was still in his crib and not crawling on the ground hurting himself with little toys. He loved it when I came back home from school, he would poke my cheek with his fingers, hand or his little feet, but since I’m older then him, I always poked him in the cheeks he would always laugh out loud it was the cutest thing ever! So everyday I came home and played with him, “Tried to feed him” (that was a mistake)  and change his diapers 😅 My older sisters love him but since they were much older then me, they never played with me nor my brother, so it was always us, and my parents were to busy with work to do anything, and my grandma had other things to do, so me and my brother were always alone. Then Jan-18-2013 came and that was my birthday! So when they brought they cake to me and and candle was on, my mom told me to make a wish so I did, I wished for me and my brother to be together forever and not leave one others side. But a few months later that wish did not come true... on July 2nd my brother passed away from his sickness, he died in the hospital in my arms 😅 I didn’t know why he was at the hospital, so a few hours before he passed, I was in his room trying to play with him and talk to him, I thought he might just be a little sick, so I held him in my arm while my parents were in the corner of the room sitting and sleeping because they got tried from staying up and watching my brother. When I held my brother I told him this “Why aren’t you playing no more? Can you at least poke me n the cheek again?” He was week and also tired... I was so confused! So I just started to cry. And an 1 of crying and my eye closed while holding him,I felt my brothers hand poke my cheek I opened my eyes, and saw my brothers hand fall. I didn’t know what to do, in my head I was think if he went to sleep, so I shook him, and yelled at him to wake up, but instead of waking him up my parents woke up and started screaming for a doctor! After 2 minuets yelling at my brother to wake up a doctor finally came, and made me and my parents get out of the room. I was still confused I still didn’t know what was going on! Then the doctor came out of the room and told me and my parents that my brother didn’t make it. After the doctor said that I fell on the ground sobbing, yelling at anyone who tried to touch me or talk me to, because in the moment I knew that my brother was gone, and I understood why my mom was crying that day she brought my Brother home, but I didn’t know what he died from, or even if he was dying. So the next day i didn’t go to school, i just stayed in my room crying my heart out for months and even took it as fast as a year, I always stayed in my room the only time I ever went out was to use the bathroom other then that I never came out, I was in my room thinking “What would life be like I& my brother was still here? How long am I going to be here? Is my baby brother really dead?” I always thought that, and that just made me cry even more everyday, my parents tried everything to get me out of my room but I always yelled st them and made them get. Even though I was young like 6 or 7 I had depression and anxiety, but I neve did anything that would hurt me! I just wanted to be left alone crying and thinking about my brother. A year and a half went by after my brother passed, I finally went out of my room, and not for the bathroom, it was Christmas eve when I got out of my room, and I saw all my family laughing and talking, they were singing and dancing, and when they saw me they all cheered, my younger cousins crowed me and started hugging me When my cousins started doing that I just cried 😅 but they weren’t tears of sadness, they were tears of happiness and I remembered how nice it feels to be back with my family, and after that day, things went back to normal I was still the youngest of the family, my sisters still didn’t play with me, my parents were always at work, and my grandmother at church 😂. So the years went by and now I’m 11 In 6 grade, I still get a little sad thinking that my brother has passed, and I try not to think about that day, but I still remember that day and everything that I have done to my baby brother. I still do cry just thinking and talking about my baby brother, but I have learned that he’s in a better place right now. And If you have noticed i keep calling my brother “Baby Brother” it’s because after all this time that has pasted I forgot his name, but I believe that his name started with a “R” or a “A” maybe it was both, who knows? But even though I miss him a lot he’ll always be in my heart, I’ll never forget what’s he has done to my life, he made me so happy for that 1 and a half year! And I still do the poking cheeks with people, i on,y do it to ones I really care about, and remind me of the happiest thing that happened! And that’s my bother story.


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