What I did for Halloween

       Well the first this I need to say is, I don’t celebrate Halloween! because I’m Christen
And Christens don’t celebrate Halloween, nor do we participate in anything that is related to it, so on every October 31 I never go to school, I just stay home and watch anime, and this year I did the same thing I didn’t go to school, I stayed home the whole day, but what I did was okay I guess, my Grandma Asked me if I wanted to go outside with her to rake the leave, I said “yes” but I only did it because I wanted to see my friends and give ONLY them candy (I’m a good friend!) If I’m honest i did really help my Grandma with raking the leaves I was to busy walking the dog, texting and trying to see if I can catch my friends. Me and my Grandma went outside at 4:03 and and went inside at 8:41, and those 4 hours I only saw 4 friends (Sadnees) I don’t really want to name the people that I saw, but I saw 2 guy friends, and 2 friends that are girls, and the saddest thing was that.... THEY DIDNT GIVE FREE CANDY! And I’m always down for free candy! And I just talked to them for like 30 seconds because they wanted to get more candy, and my dog was better at getting free sweets then me! Since I’m not allowed to trick-or-treat nor my dog, while I was walking around my block people always asked me if I wanted candy but I nicely said no, but they didn’t take no for my dog, some people went down there stairs and came to my dog, and gave her treats! And others people where walking around and gave her treats! Like no! She may not know what Halloween is but she loves it now -_- She’s supposed to be a Christen dog, she not. And also while I was outside ““Raking leaves”” I was waiting for someone to come, but they never came, which that was the saddest thing on earth for me! I felt betrayed! They so mean! But whatever.  When I went inside I was freezing! And when people came by my house I just told them we don’t have candy, and I just went back to wanting Anime, but people cam ever 2 minutes! I didn’t even get through one episode :’(  and I found out the person that I was waiting for passed my house! After 10 minutes of getting inside of my house! But when I went to my room at least I got to watch all the anime that I wanted! :D

And Yeah... that was my 11th Halloween, boring as usual XD


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