Why we should/shouldn't have school uniforms

                I know people are going to be mad a me for saying this, but, I actually agree to wear school uniforms, I know a lot of people hate their uniforms but I kind a like them, here are my reason why,

Reason 1; we don’t spend 10 minutes finding a new outfit/buying new clothes that we will only wear once.
Uniforms don’t make us spend so much money each year! We on,y need like 2-5 shirts for school and maybe like 2 pants, and since us kids spend half of our little lives in school we only wear that, and rarely wear other cloths, well for me, all I wear is my uniform or my PJs, BUT aside that, are uniforms don’t make us waste like thousands of dollars each year just for clothes that we will only wear like once. Also in the morning it’s easy to pick what to wear, if your late to school you don’t need to worry about finding a good looking outfit that match’s, are uniforms are already matched and are much easier to pick in the morning, you just grab it and go, and not try on like 10 outfits to see which on looks better.

Reason 2; We can’t get teased that easily.
Mostly people that get bulied get teased about what they are wearing, but if we wear are uniforms everyone looks that same, and the person that likes to bully doesn’t really have a reason to bully cause they mostly bully people that wear kinda odd things that make them look poor or smart,and if everyone has uniforms and looks the same nobody will get bullied that easily.

Reason 3; Girl won’t feel like it’s unfair for them.
The reason why I’m saying is because
If we don’t wear uniforms and we wear normal clothes us girls will get dressed coded easily, the thing that us girl will most likely wear is a hoodie or long sleeves shirts and something to cover pur colar bone, and for us girls it’s not far cause boys don’t get the same dress code, and the guys can almost wear anything that they want, and uniforms are all the same, so no one can feel like something is unfair cause we all look the same and no one gets special treatment, Actually some teacher also want uniforms for us girls because the boys in school with get distracted with what the girl is wearing, And I know this may sound bad but, if we don’t wear uniforms boys are gunna be checking us girls out and will be distracted and not get work done, I mean I know boys have to control themselves and other things but others don’t, and I actually agree, we should wear uniforms so boys won’t get distracted, and if us girls will wear uniforms the boys will to, so everything will be good and everyone will be satisfied.

This is my opinion, I do agree on wearing uniforms, and it’s fine if you don’t agree, I just wanted to make you think about wearing them, and yeah that’s all I have


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