Well the first this I need to say is, I don’t celebrate Halloween! because I’m Christen And Christens don’t celebrate Halloween, nor do we participate in anything that is related to it, so on every October 31 I never go to school, I just stay home and watch anime, and this year I did the same thing I didn’t go to school, I stayed home the whole day, but what I did was okay I guess, my Grandma Asked me if I wanted to go outside with her to rake the leave, I said “yes” but I only did it because I wanted to see my friends and give ONLY them candy (I’m a good friend!) If I’m honest i did really help my Grandma with raking the leaves I was to busy walking the dog, texting and trying to see if I can catch my friends. Me and my Grandma went outside at 4:03 and and went inside at 8:41, and those 4 hours I only saw 4 friends (Sadnees) I don’t really want to name the people that I saw, but I saw 2 guy friends, and 2 friends that are girls, and the saddest thing was ...
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