Quarter 1


                 Well my quarter 1 was okay... I guess...
        Welp I wanted to beat my ELA goal which was write 2 pages for journaling, but I never got there I wrote 1 whole page though. And my math goal was to pay attention to my math teachers but I never did I always got distracted or daydream, (which I could have payed more attention! Now I’m way behind on math!). Those were my goals that I didn’t do. And quarter 1 seemed more easier cause we did 5th grade stuff, but now quarter 2 it’s starting to get to 6 grade which means it’s getting much harder, there are a lot of things in my other classes that I’m confused about! But if I try a little harder it may get easier. And yeah that’s all I got 😅 Thanks for reading this! It may sound boring but I did try to make it sound fun XD Mk Bai!


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