What I am doing over break

                                        Welp..... I’m stuck cause I’m just going to be on my bed the whole break editing my YouTube videos! Just kidding imma just be a lazy potato! Dying on my bed cause I’m have stomach pain that hasn’t went away yet! 😩 R.I.P! But I don’t think that I’m going to do that, the whole week I’m going to be with my ANNOYING little cousins, don’t get me wrong! As much as I love my cousins! They can be.. well... too much sometimes which that mean I can’t control them, one minute they’re happy and laughing, the next THEYRE TRYING TO MURDER ME! They would chase me or torcher me while crying! And when they do that I have to lock myself in the bathroom or another room! But since I’m going to spend the WHOLE week with my cousins it’s going to be bad! So...... idk what going to happen but I hope they don’t try to kill me, and when it’s thanksgiving I know that we’re going go have Ham, Mashed potatoes, (maybe turkey) Flan, and more meet, and since me and my whole family are Mexicans, we love to have to tacos with is! We have the regular food for thanksgiving and some Mexican food! And I says so myself.. ITS THE BEST!!! And yeah... I thinks that all I have, I may also text a lot of my friends two


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