One Word For 2019

         My one word for 2019 would be
   Because in 2018.. it was really ruff for me, I would hate to say this but, I hated 2018 I was hoping that 2019 would come soon, and... in 2018... I found someone to love, he was my everything, my life! I know that sounds really dramatic but it’s true, he was the only good thing in my life the only reason why I wanted to live.. me and him had a lot of good memories, that I can’t forgot... because... On December 27, 2018... he broke up with me which that was heartbreaking to me.. like I said.... he was my everything my life... my lover, so when that happened I didn’t think it was true, so for 5 hours I pretended nothing happened, but at 9:41 PM that’s when it hit me, I remember what happened and what he said, and that’s when I started to sob, I just sobbed in my room on my bed for a good 6 hours because I couldn’t sleep that night, but when I did fall asleep it was 4am and woke up 3 hours later at 7am and when I woke up I checked my phone for no reason and I saw texts from my friend, she told me why he broke up with me, and again I cried, I cried for for a 10 days straight I even cried on New Years Eve and The new year. Even before this breakup happened I cried a lot because of my family  my family always has fights, a fight (not to long ago) it was a physical fight between my mom and sisters including my dad, after that fight my sisters ran away for 2 week, and by hearing and seeing the after math, it was horrible, so I knew that I couldn’t go for my family for support, so I don’t really include them for a reason to live, and by seeing and hearing those things that my family said, it just broke my heart in two, so the only people in that time where my Boyfriend and my Bestfriend to talk to, which that helped but my heart was broken, and when me and my ex were still together he did some bad thing that just made me cry more, so my heart was broken and slowly cracking in to millions of pieces, and on the same day Dec 27, 2018 my mom and grandma  were having a fight but with words, and I heard Something that my mom said about me which that lead my heart to break into millions of pieces, which again that made me cry. So I texted my Boyfriend (we were still together)  I texted him for help support and advise and tell him what’s going on. And that turned out to be the worst mistake, he broke up with me and that was the last staw so that shattered my heart, but again pretend nothing happened! But when I did lost it... I lost everything good in my life... i had nowhere to go, no one to talk to, so I just sat on my bed and cried I did not leave that room until I went to school on Jan 7th, 2019. I didn’t want to go to school, but actually I don’t regret going that day because my “Best Guy Friend” became my new Boyfriend that day, and he gave me so much happiness, he brought me hope that my future is worth something, I’m so greatful that he came into my life, if he didn’t I would’ve been a mess and still crying over my ex. And by him being there for me has given me so much hope, and hope about what’s life with offer next.

so that’s the reason why I choose the word Hope for my 2019 word.


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