
Movie review, Blackfish

          The movie was a great movie, it showed real killer whales, and live and real footage, which that’s actually very important if your trying to say it’s to, and th whole Tim while watching i5 I felt bad for both trainers and Killer whales, the reason why I felt bad for them was because other people introduced them to the whale, and the trainer had to train the whale and try to make th killer whale trust them, and when the trainer has so much trust with the whale, the whale turns it back and kills their trainer. And do you really have to explain why I felt bad for th killer whales...?? Meh whatever I’ll just explain it, I mean.. like.. THEY’RE WILD ANIMALS! And people took them from there family’s! They are kept in a cage or a pool! And it’s small for them, They swim mills per days! And see new things in the wild, in a tank they  only see the same dang tank everyday! They get so restless that they don’t know what to do, so they start kill

Why we should/shouldn't have school uniforms

                I know people are going to be mad a me for saying this, but, I actually agree to wear school uniforms, I know a lot of people hate their uniforms but I kind a like them, here are my reason why, Reason 1; we don’t spend 10 minutes finding a new outfit/buying new clothes that we will only wear once. Uniforms don’t make us spend so much money each year! We on,y need like 2-5 shirts for school and maybe like 2 pants, and since us kids spend half of our little lives in school we only wear that, and rarely wear other cloths, well for me, all I wear is my uniform or my PJs, BUT aside that, are uniforms don’t make us waste like thousands of dollars each year just for clothes that we will only wear like once. Also in the morning it’s easy to pick what to wear, if your late to school you don’t need to worry about finding a good looking outfit that match’s, are uniforms are already matched and are much easier to pick in the morning, you...

One Word For 2019

         My one word for 2019 would be      Hope    Because in 2018.. it was really ruff for me, I would hate to say this but, I hated 2018 I was hoping that 2019 would come soon, and... in 2018... I found someone to love, he was my everything, my life! I know that sounds really dramatic but it’s true, he was the only good thing in my life the only reason why I wanted to live.. me and him had a lot of good memories, that I can’t forgot... because... On December 27, 2018... he broke up with me which that was heartbreaking to me.. like I said.... he was my everything my life... my lover, so when that happened I didn’t think it was true, so for 5 hours I pretended nothing happened, but at 9:41 PM that’s when it hit me, I remember what happened and what he said, and that’s when I started to sob, I just sobbed in my room on my bed for a good 6 hours because I couldn’t sleep that night, but when I did fall asleep it was 4am and woke up 3...

What I am doing over break

                                        Welp..... I’m stuck cause I’m just going to be on my bed the whole break editing my YouTube videos! Just kidding imma just be a lazy potato! Dying on my bed cause I’m have stomach pain that hasn’t went away yet! 😩 R.I.P! But I don’t think that I’m going to do that, the whole week I’m going to be with my ANNOYING little cousins, don’t get me wrong! As much as I love my cousins! They can be.. well... too much sometimes which that mean I can’t control them, one minute they’re happy and laughing, the next THEYRE TRYING TO MURDER ME! They would chase me or torcher me while crying! And when they do that I have to lock myself in the bathroom or another room! But since I’m going to spend the WHOLE week with my cousins it’s going to be bad! So...... idk what going to happen but I hope they don’t try to kill me, and when it’s thanksgiving I know that we’re...

Free post!

        Welp..... I have nothing to say! Or write 😅 I didn’t really do anything that special, Well kinda... On Sunday me, my sisters and mom went to a Mexican restaurant, I forgot what it was called but  I know it was in “La Grange I think that’s how you spell it... well anyways! We orders some TASTY tocos 😋 And me since I love strawberry I ordered myself a Strawberry milkshake skake, my mother said that they had the best milks skakes! But when I tried it... IT WAS A LIE! They lied to me! It tasted sour... I don’t know if it was meant to taste like that but it was pretty bad, so instead of drinking that I drank my sister horchata, and I think that my mother meant the horchata was the best drink, cause that was the most tasty horchata that I ever had! Then the rest was everyone ate and went home. But on Monday! Oh lord was that day a bad day! Since I have a YouTube channel I had to post something, and what I mostly post are “Gacha Vids And what that is...

Quarter 1

                     Well my quarter 1 was okay... I guess...         Welp I wanted to beat my ELA goal which was write 2 pages for journaling, but I never got there I wrote 1 whole page though. And my math goal was to pay attention to my math teachers but I never did I always got distracted or daydream, (which I could have payed more attention! Now I’m way behind on math!). Those were my goals that I didn’t do. And quarter 1 seemed more easier cause we did 5th grade stuff, but now quarter 2 it’s starting to get to 6 grade which means it’s getting much harder, there are a lot of things in my other classes that I’m confused about! But if I try a little harder it may get easier. And yeah that’s all I got 😅 Thanks for reading this! It may sound boring but I did try to make it sound fun XD Mk Bai!

What I did for Halloween

       Well the first this I need to say is, I don’t celebrate Halloween! because I’m Christen And Christens don’t celebrate Halloween, nor do we participate in anything that is related to it, so on every October 31 I never go to school, I just stay home and watch anime, and this year I did the same thing I didn’t go to school, I stayed home the whole day, but what I did was okay I guess, my Grandma Asked me if I wanted to go outside with her to rake the leave, I said “yes” but I only did it because I wanted to see my friends and give ONLY them candy (I’m a good friend!) If I’m honest i did really help my Grandma with raking the leaves I was to busy walking the dog, texting and trying to see if I can catch my friends. Me and my Grandma went outside at 4:03 and and went inside at 8:41, and those 4 hours I only saw 4 friends (Sadnees) I don’t really want to name the people that I saw, but I saw 2 guy friends, and 2 friends that are girls, and the saddest thing was ...